Monday, April 30, 2012

Lets get physical!

Hey there Y'all!

Well, I have told you before about my sister Chelcea  who is a WBFF fitness pro and model that trains people to achieve their fitness goals.  Well....she did it for a girl guessed it, Hashimotos!!! Miss Angela was in her first fitness competition this last weekend and even placed 2nd! Pretty impressive! So I wanted to share her story with you.  Angela has been an inspiration to me and I hope her story helps you realize you CAN do whatever it is that you want if you put your mind to it.  Like I said before, I know it's hard to even think about working out sometimes, but once you get started it gets easier and easier.  I know!  Not only do I have Hashimotos, I was also diagnosed with Chronic Mono a year ago.  I know what it's like to be tired!  Crazy tired too.  It SUCKS!!!  But, it is super important to stay fit.  Your immune system will thank you, I promise!

On that note.....Here is Miss Angela's story!

I started working with Chelcea in January 2012. I had entered my first NANBF bikini competition and was really clueless as what to expect. I had no idea how much time, dedication, and hard work this sport required. During my training I started working with Chelcea for competition posing and a diet plan. I have a thyroid condition that required her to do a lot of changing in my meal plans to get me something that finally started working for me. She was extremely determined to find me a diet that worked!!
During my first 2 posing sessions I felt so awkward and uncoordinated. Chelcea was so patient and positive that I never felt uncomfortable despite my lack of coordination. She always had motivational and inspiring words to keep me on track. There were a few times I was about to throw in the towel, however, she was always there to give me those encouraging words I needed to hear to keep me going. She never told me it was easy to get to the stage and made sure I was aware of everything I needed to do and expect. She was always available for me for whatever I needed.
This competition is truly the best thing I have ever done for myself. Working with Chelcea and doing the posing and strict diet has been life changing. My results are something I never though I could ever achieve. She helps you see how you can reach your goals if you stay focused and keep positive people around you. She is such a positive force not only as a posing coach, but she truly cares about me and wants to see me succeed. I could not have come this far without her!! 

Here are her before and after pics


And that is my beautiful sister Chelcea on the right!

I hope this is helpful and inspiring to anyone out there with any autoimmune disorder.  
If you are ready to get fit, contact Chelcea on her facebook page
She really is genuine and wants to help you if you want to make a change.
Of course getting and staying fit is challenging, but anything worth having is worth fighting for.  And I happen to think fighting for your health is worth it.  

Check Out Angela posin it up on stage!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cha - Cha- Cha- Chia!!!

Hey Y'all,
I hope you had a great Easter weekend last week!  

So this week I have not been feeling so hot.  I had some sort of respiratory issue.  My torso felt like it was on fire on the inside and it was tight and just plain crappy!  By Wednesday I had had enough and decided to start eating Chia Seeds hoping that was gonna help.  I have heard that chia seeds reduce inflammation. And to my surprise, Thursday afternoon (I had already added 3 tablespoons to my morning green smoothies on Wednesday and Thursday), I was feeling much better.  They are expensive little suckers, but well worth it.  I have been on the up and up for the last couple of days now, so of course I'm going to recommend that if you are having some inflammation anywhere, try adding chia seeds to your food and see if it helps. I think I will probably start alternating between flax and chia seeds.  Here are a couple of links with suggestions as to how you can incorporate them into your diet and also some information on how beneficial these little seeds are.

Happy Tricky Thyroids!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hey Ladies and Gents,
In honor of Easter this Sunday, I wanted to post our pastor's sermon from last Sunday in preparation for Easter.  And I also wanted to encourage you all to watch our Easter service online on Sunday if you don't have the opportunity to go to church.  Jesus' story deserves reverence and acknowledgment!  It is AMAZING what He did for ALL of us.  I mean, helloooo, do you know of anyone else in the whole wide world who has risen from the dead after three days? I don't!  Not to mention, WHY  He died in the first place.  It's the best love story I have ever heard!

John 3:16-17
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

God loves you for who you are. Unconditional love!  We all need God's grace, and He will give it to you, all you have to do is ask for Him to come into your heart and start a relationship with Him.

I hope you all have a blessed Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter

Meaning to my madness!

Hey Kids,
There is meaning to my madness.  I want y'all to know that I went through a process of going vegan and gluten free.  I haven't always been this crazy about food.  God truly prepared me for this drastic change before I got diagnosed, so I was a little more prepared to jump in and tackle the diet part of Hashimotos.  I started eating organic about two years prior to the Hashimotos diagnosis. And about a year before the Hashimotos, I really started getting into the gluten free research.  It all started with the curiosity of what are all of the additives and preservatives about?  What are they made from?  How does it effect my body? And what about the pesticides?  What do they do to the body?  What are they made from?   So I started reading labels and if there was something in the ingredients list that I couldn't pronounce, I didn't buy it. Try that one the next time you're at the store.  And if sugar was one of the first 3 ingredients I didn't buy it. Which is a hard thing to do when you LOOOOOVE chocolate.  Anything chocolate.  Oreos.....Gone.  Cocoa Krispies.....Gone! But believe it or not, all of my sugar cravings went away once my body was more pH balanced, which happens when you stop eating sugar and processed foods.  Anyways, this article is by Dr. Joesph Mercola.   He has been on the Dr. Oz show a few times and I really like him.  He gives great information.  I hope you find this to be as helpful as I did.

Happy Thyroids Y'all!!!

P.S. - The video on this link is not free anymore.  Sorry!  But all of the info in the article is great.