Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's new tenni shoe?

Hey fellow Hashimotoans and Friends,

So I have not posted anything in quite a long time.  I had some lovely Hashimoto's symptoms arise that needed to be dealt with, I am finally feeling better,  and now I'm ready to tell you all about what's been going on.

Heeeeerrrrre weeeeee gooooooooo!!!! Hahahaha, I make myself laugh!
OK, so back in September I had a lot of emotional stress. Emotional stress, especially for those of us with Hashimoto's, can lead to an all out melt down, both physically and of course, emotionally. The issue has been resolved, but because of that stress, it caused some of my symptoms to rear their ugly heads. I started having migraines, and major tummy issues, and insulin resistance problems, achy joints and blah,blah,blah.  Let me tell you, trying to maintain a vegan diet while having insulin resistance is a major challenge.  So I tried to adjust my diet! Tried, being the key word there.  I tried adding high quality meat back into my diet. What a challenge that was. I felt like I was at the very beginning of my Hashimoto's journey.  Which was very frustrating.  I guess the silver lining in all of this, is that I  really got to know my body, again :)  Which is my point to you.  If you have recently been diagnosed, or even just struggling and feeling crappy right now, use this time to get to know what your body likes and doesn't like.  Learn to listen to your instincts!  Your gut feeling is probably right.  I can't tell you how many times I wrote myself off because others did.  Listen to yourself! I tend to second guess myself a lot ;).  Not my best quality! 
Not only did the emotional stress cause me problems, but because I was feeling so good from all the working out and eating right for the fitness competition, in August 2013, I decided to stop taking some supplementsthat I have been taking since the very beginning of my Hashimoto's.  BAD IDEA!!!  Little did I know, I had the perfect regimen for myself and the perfect diet.  I didn't realize any of this until I was going down the path of possibly having my gallbladder removed.  I was told by the doctor to stop eating meat and go back to my vegan diet.  Guess what? I did, and I started feeling better.  Then it occurred to me I should add the supplements back in.  I did, and guess what?  I felt even better! This post is starting to sound like my very first blog post!   I feel so silly!!!  Lesson learned I guess! God already put me on the right path for healing once, then I tried to do something different, again, BAD IDEA!  God knew what was best from the beginning, I'm so thankful He helped me get back on track.  I need to just listen dang it!!! 
Remember, Hashimoto's is tough! Duh, like I need to tell you that!  You'll get through it, it won't be easy, but listen to your body (diet is a huge part in healing and you have to figure out what works best for YOU), and pray through it!  God will help!

Important Note - During the last few months I have done a lot of research.  My mom purchased a book for me called, Root Cause by Izabella Wentz.  She is a pharmacist with Hashimoto's and has a lot of really helpful info in her book.  I highly recommend it!  It's legit! She also has a website www.thyroidrootcause.org, Check it out!

Happy Thyroids Y'all