Hey Y'all,
So Sorry for not posting anything for a little while! May has been a very busy month! As every May is for us. We celebrate my father in-law's birthday, my husbands birthday, our anniversary (this was our 11th), Mother's Day, I was planning a surprise party for my mom who has been 20 years cancer free (she had Ovarian Cancer), and to top it all off, two out of my three kids had all of the "last days of school activities" (classroom celebrations, field day, a play, and end of the year field trips). Maaaan, it has been busy!
A couple of posts ago I told you all about Miss Angela Cutler who has Hashimotos and did a fitness competition. She really did inspire me, and I decided to let my sister train me. Now that all of my mono symptoms have seemingly gone away, I thought, "I can finally get back to working out without it taking me 3-4 days to recover from one workout!". Of course I was nervous and worried that it wasn't going to go very smoothly for the first few workouts, and I was definitely concerned about my exhaustion levels, but to my surprise, it was AWESOME! It felt great! And believe it or not, I started having more energy the very next day, to the point where I was thinking, "Holy loads of energy Batman!!! I missed working out!" I know that sounds crazy, but you guys should be used to me saying crazy things by now! For real though, I really have enjoyed working out since I was young. I played competitive soccer when I was younger, played basketball in junior high and high school, and my senior year of high school had a weight lifting class and really fell in love with lifting. I have tried all kinds of fitness avenues; yoga classes, pilates classes, workout videos (Tracy Anderson, P90X, Yogalosophy...), but nothing works as well as lifting for me. The last few weeks of working out have been amazing! I feel so great! And normally, with all of the activities this month, I would have been pretty run down, but working out has boosted my immune system and I don't feel as bad as I would have had I not been working out.
My suggestion to anyone out there who is reading this is,TRY! Just get up and TRY something! I don't mean to sound like your mommy telling you what to do, but I MEAN IT! Just like I said in my post about Angela, lets get physical! That tricky thyroid will appreciate it. I know it's tricky because you feel so tired and just plain crappy that you think you can't "work out", but working out doesn't have to be going to a gym and lifting weights or running on a treadmill. You can just start out with going outside and taking a walk around the block every other day for a week and then the next week try walking around the block twice at a quicker pace, and maybe try walking every day, eventually working up to 30 minutes/day. Don't like walking? Maybe try swimming, or yoga (which is really good for tricky thyroids. I really enjoy the Yogalosophy video), or cross fit, or hiking, or bike riding, or dancing (Tracy Anderson videos are good for dancing)! Just get up and get active. It's SO important! I would say it is equally as important as eating right for your tricky thyroid!
Lets keep our tricky thyroids happy Y'all!
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