Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hey Y'all,

It has been 1 month since I competed with the WBFF in Las Vegas in their yearly Worlds show.  I wanted to thank everyone, from my family and friends to those who came by my kids, "Support our mom" lemonade stand. Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and support.  I did not place (there were over 100 girls in my category alone, and over 500 competitors in all). I however, had such an amazing experience and learned so much during the process.

So get ready, here comes the Oscar thank you speech!  HAHAHAHA

I first, of course want to thank God, for getting me through this process, from the very beginning.  He held my hand the whole way and gave me strength spiritually, mentally and physically. I want to thank my sister Chelcea (WBFF Pro) for training and coaching me.  I literally could not have done this without her. She is an amazing coach!  Which leads me to my next thank you, which is to Big Frank.  Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story about me and putting it on the WBFF'S website, and for your prayers, He listened and your prayers worked!   I truly hope the story reached and encouraged others out there that have Hashimoto's like me, or gave inspiration to others who are simply just stuck in a rut.  Thank you to Paul and Allison Dillett, for starting the WBFF and having such an amazing show.  I had a blast!!! Thanks to my friends at Tan - n - Tone. Thanks to Harlan Chiropractic for keeping my spine in check and for all of your encouragement! Thanks to my insurance agency who posted my story (from Big Frank) on their facebook page.  Thanks to all of my friends and family, who supported me through facebook, even though I don't have a facebook page.  All of your loving and supportive comments were received through my beautiful mother in law, sister in law , sisters, and mom.  Thanks everyone who text me on the day of the competition.  Your encouragement helped me get through that day!!!  Thanks to my parents for sprinting with me and pushing me. Thank you to my kids for pushing me hard, for yelling, " GO MOM GO"! when I was on the treadmill and wanted so badly to quit, for doing a lemonade and cookie stand, and for all of your hugs and kisses and for yelling as loud as you possibly could with Aunt Charlie when I was on stage.  Thank you soooo much to my sister Charlie for coming, your support warmed my heart and your words of encouragement right before stagetime gave me a little extra sass to my step.  And on that note, a BIG thank you goes to last, but certainly not least, my wonderful, supportive, loving husband (who also went sprinting with me and worked out with me and pushed and motivated me when I didn't want to be pushed),  I love you, you are my rock! 

I still can' believe I did it!  But honestly I could not have done it without all of you!  For real, the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”…. It also takes a village to train a fitness competitor for a show.

Thanks again,


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