Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hey Y'all,

The last couple of Sundays have been pretty awesome at church!  I really want to share with ALL of you what our pastor had to say. So I have posted below the last two sermons, and  I hope and pray that you get as much out of them as I did.  Even if you don't believe in Christ, these two sermons answer some questions that a lot of unbelievers have and explain a lot about the Christian faith.  Please take the time to watch these!  

July 15th 2012
July 22nd 2012

Happy Thyroids

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Ok Y'All,

Get your minds out of the gutter!  The title of this post is obviously to get your attention!  I'm not that kind of a lady!  Did it work?  Are you paying attention now?

Well then,  lets get down to business!
My wonderful mother in law sends out a monthly reminder email to all of her friends and family to check their breasts for breast cancer.  I think this is not only a very loving and thoughtful thing to do, but also a very health conscience thing as well.  And because I try to be as healthy as possible, I want to make you all aware of how important it is to check your "girls" at least once a month.  And boys can check their breast area too, it's not unheard of that breast cancer has been found in men.  

I'm sure you have already heard, and know how to check your "girls" but let me give you a couple of simple ways to check.
1 - While taking a shower, raise one arm over you head and use the opposite hand to feel around the opposite breast.  Then switch sides.
2 - When you get into bed for the night, lie flat on your back and check the "girls" the same way your doctor would at your yearly exam or just like you would standing up in the shower.  I prefer this way.  And hey, why not check them the way the doctor does?!

I also recently read an article that stated breast cancer tumors are being reported to have parabens in them! Parabens are used mostly as a preservative in beauty products, but parabens are also used in pesticides. Which is another reason why I try to eat as organically as possible. And we also need to be proactively choosing beauty products that are paraben free. Not only are parabens bad, but so is aluminum, and they are both equally as bad for your thyroid.  So do yourself a double  favor, and avoid them both.  It's in your boobies best interest, and your thyroids best interest!  

Here is the article I read. It gives you some info on just what parabens are and how they are listed on the ingredients list.

Some paraben free products that I love.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion
Kiss My Face 

And these are a couple of my favorite aluminum free products.
Arm and Hammer Natural Deodorant - I recently switched to this and it actually works.  I have high standards and I'm kind of a snob when it comes to deodorants, so please trust me, this product is amazing for a natural deodorant.
Bob's Redmill Aluminum Free Baking Soda

So you can find a lot of paraben free beauty products now at major grocery chains, but for sure at Whole Foods, or any natural grocery store.  All you need to do is read the labels. I know, it seems as though I've gone and lost my mind! Reading food labels to check for gluten is tough enough, and now I'm asking you to read labels on beauty products too?! I know it seems a little ridiculous, but if you want to prevent illness as much as you can (we can only control so much), this is something you should do.  

Now, don't forget to check your "girls"!

As always,
Happy Thyroids