Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I'm on Twitter

Hey Y'all,
I'm on Twitter!  Tricky Thyroid @thyroid_tricky
Happy thyroids!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hey Y'all,

It has been 1 month since I competed with the WBFF in Las Vegas in their yearly Worlds show.  I wanted to thank everyone, from my family and friends to those who came by my kids, "Support our mom" lemonade stand. Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and support.  I did not place (there were over 100 girls in my category alone, and over 500 competitors in all). I however, had such an amazing experience and learned so much during the process.

So get ready, here comes the Oscar thank you speech!  HAHAHAHA

I first, of course want to thank God, for getting me through this process, from the very beginning.  He held my hand the whole way and gave me strength spiritually, mentally and physically. I want to thank my sister Chelcea (WBFF Pro) for training and coaching me.  I literally could not have done this without her. She is an amazing coach!  Which leads me to my next thank you, which is to Big Frank.  Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story about me and putting it on the WBFF'S website, and for your prayers, He listened and your prayers worked!   I truly hope the story reached and encouraged others out there that have Hashimoto's like me, or gave inspiration to others who are simply just stuck in a rut.  Thank you to Paul and Allison Dillett, for starting the WBFF and having such an amazing show.  I had a blast!!! Thanks to my friends at Tan - n - Tone. Thanks to Harlan Chiropractic for keeping my spine in check and for all of your encouragement! Thanks to my insurance agency who posted my story (from Big Frank) on their facebook page.  Thanks to all of my friends and family, who supported me through facebook, even though I don't have a facebook page.  All of your loving and supportive comments were received through my beautiful mother in law, sister in law , sisters, and mom.  Thanks everyone who text me on the day of the competition.  Your encouragement helped me get through that day!!!  Thanks to my parents for sprinting with me and pushing me. Thank you to my kids for pushing me hard, for yelling, " GO MOM GO"! when I was on the treadmill and wanted so badly to quit, for doing a lemonade and cookie stand, and for all of your hugs and kisses and for yelling as loud as you possibly could with Aunt Charlie when I was on stage.  Thank you soooo much to my sister Charlie for coming, your support warmed my heart and your words of encouragement right before stagetime gave me a little extra sass to my step.  And on that note, a BIG thank you goes to last, but certainly not least, my wonderful, supportive, loving husband (who also went sprinting with me and worked out with me and pushed and motivated me when I didn't want to be pushed),  I love you, you are my rock! 

I still can' believe I did it!  But honestly I could not have done it without all of you!  For real, the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”…. It also takes a village to train a fitness competitor for a show.

Thanks again,


Monday, July 22, 2013

Hey Kids,

Just a quick little note!
I got my first sponsorship today!  Thank you Tan N Tone!!!!  Can't wait to get my tan on!

Also wanted to put in a link to the last two sermons at church!  They are both on SUPERHEROS!!!!
Loved these sermons!!!

Happy Thyroids Y'all

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hey Guys n Gals,


Ok lets all calm down for a minute!  Take a deep breath.  Ok enough yelling!  I'M JUST SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!

So in my last post I said I had been busy with kids.  I didn't, however, tell you, that I have also been busy training for over a year now to try to accomplish this very goal of competing. And with the Lord's help, here I am getting ready to compete in 7 weeks!

So it's kind of a big deal and I wanted to share with you just how cool this is for me. Frank Budelewski
wrote such an awesome and kind story on me and it's on the the WBFF's website.  It also includes my own story of how I got to this point.  I hope you like it! And I hope it helps you in your goals to get healthy and take control of your thyroid!

Happy Thyroids Y'all

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hey Kids,

Holy Hannah!!!  Man it's been a long time since I've posted anything!  So sorry for that!  I feel like a bit of a slacker in the blogging department.  But if I'm being really honest, I should tell you that this was the first school year with all of my kids in school, and man is it busy in our house!!!  So with all the busyness, I figured I should tell you all about what I have discovered in the last several months!  So here it goes. 

I have discovered my most favorite word!  Balance!  Those of us with Hashimoto's need to make sure we incorporate BALANCE into everything we do.  And, I guess those out there that don't have Hashi's could benefit from balance too. 

Having Hashimotos, for me means that if my thyroid is off balance everything, and I mean everything, is slightly off.  My sleeping is off, my patience is lower, my appetite is off, my body in general, just all together is OFF BALANCE.  This can also include my girlie parts (ovaries and those lovely hormones).  The thyroid controls that too!  I can't believe just how much it controls. So I try my hardest to do whatever I can to stay BALANCED! For me it looks like this:  
I have an ongoing prayer/conversation with God all day. 
I try to take one day out of the week where I don't do anything but relax at home with my family.
I make sure that my nightly routine is the same every night.  I'm like a baby that way!
And for Thyroid's Sake, I make sure that I eat right and workout.  

We live in such a crazy world of extremes where it's hard to find a happy medium.  I know to some, I might even seem extreme because of my vegan and gluten free eating habits, and my workout schedule.  But you do need to know, that there is even balance in being vegan and gluten free and working out.  I eat this way  for obvious health reasons and because I started to feel so much better.  Seriously going Vegan and gluten free was truly the answer to finding my energy again.  To my body getting rid of all the inflammation, and to me just being able to even think better!  And then adding in the workout routine just topped it all off.  Like icing on my Gluten free Dairy free Cake! Hahahahaha!

Here is the balance in being vegan. It's kind of a give and take system here with the diet.  You give up meat, but you get, less inflammation.  You give up dairy, but you get, less inflammation.  You give up CHEESE (I know that's dairy, but that was a WHOLE category by itself for me,  I'm a big Mac-N-Cheese fan), but you get, you guessed it, LESS INFLAMMATION!!!!  Are you getting my point?! And as far as working out goes, well there is balance in that too.  It may look like I spend a lot of time working out, but for those of us with slow thyroids, we have to work twice as hard to keep from gaining weight.  I know for me, if I don't do cardio for a week I will end up gaining 5lbs easily, and then it takes me a week or so to get it back off. But I definitely listen to my body, and if something is hurting or I'm extremely tired or have a cold, I rest instead.  

 For me there was no question about it.  From the moment I found out I had Hashi's I wanted to know what I could do to not get any worse than I already felt.  And to make a long story short, this is what God put in front of me to do.  So I did it! And here I am hoping that you too will give it a shot and try it out for a month and see how you feel!  

Here are some simple Gluten free Vegan recipes that I make 

Green Smoothie or "Green Goo"Smoothie for kids
1 hand full dark green lettuce (spinach, kale, chard, etc)
1 banana
1/4-1/2 cup blueberries or strawberries (frozen or fresh)
1 cup water
1 TBSP MCT oil or Organic coconut oil
Put in high powered blender for 1 min on high 

Vegan Smashed Potatoes - For holidays or a cheat meal for me
1 bag of russet potatoes peeled chunked and boiled.
2 cans of garbanzo beans
Flax Milk ( any unflavored dairy free milk works) - to a texture of your liking
1/4 -1/2 cup Earth Balance Soy Free Vegan Butter
1-2 bags of frozen Broccoli or peas
While potatoes are boiling and getting ready to be smashed, open the cans of garbanzo beans,rinse and pour them into a pan with a little water and cook them on medium heat for about 15 minutes. Then put them in a food processor or blender on high to make smooth. You may need to add a little water to them to make them into a creamy texture.  While the beans are cooking, steam the bag of broccoli or peas (don't over cook).
Once your potatoes are soft and ready to be smashed, drain them and put them back into the pan and smash away, or you can you a mixer, that works too.  Add the blended  garbanzo beans and stir in. Now mix in the flax milk and vegan butter to you liking.    Now strain  the broccoli or peas.  Put smashed potatoes in bowl and add some peas or broccoli on top, mix and enjoy! 

Gluten free Dairy free Mac-n-Cheese - For holidays or a cheat meal for me
1 package gluten free elbow noodles
1 package Daiya (dairy free cheese) cheddar cheese and 1 package Daiya Mozzarella
Earth Balance Soy Free vegan butter
Unsweetened almond or flax milk
Prepare pasta according to the package
After the pasta has been strained add 1 tablespoon of vegan butter and  1/4 cup ea. of the cheese and then add as much almond or flax milk as you need for the consistency you like, and VIOLA you have Mac-n Cheese!!!  Tricky Thyroid style!!!  

If you are thinking of going gluten free and vegan, just know that it's only as hard as you make it.  I hope some of this helps!

Happy Thyroids Y'all!